Asphalt Paving Care & Facts
How long does it take for my asphalt surface to completely cure?
Remember that the liquid asphalt in blacktop needs time to harden and cure, usually 6-12 months, your driveway will remain somewhat soft and pliable until then. You may walk on new asphalt immediately, but keep automobile traffic off it for at least 2-3 full days and longer in hotter temperatures.
How does my vehicle damage my driveway?
Your new asphalt can be scarred by automobiles starting out too fast, pulling in too quickly, turning around in tight areas, and just driving too fast. If this happens, it can be easily fixed. Asphalt becomes pliable again with heat. Simply heat with torch and iron smooth with a flat shovel.
What precautions should I take with my new driveway?
- During the first 6-12 months while your asphalt is curing don’t park in the same spot every time. Do not turn your steering wheel back and forth when your car is not moving.
- Avoid using jack stands or car ramps unless a piece of plywood is placed under them to help distribute the weight.
- Avoid gasoline, oil, anti-freeze, power steering, and transmission fluid spills and leaks. These will dilute the liquid asphalt in your driveway.
- Avoid lawn chairs, bicycle, and motorcycle kickstands because they exert weight on concentrated areas and will create holes and depressions in your new driveway.